Segmentation fault for large geometries
The previous issue report on segfault related to int32-based indexing of arrays seems to have disappeared, so I'll make a new one. If the disappearance was caused by me not responding, I apologize, but I'm working with this stuff only every other week.
In short, the issue was segmentation fault in code like this:
r = 450
domain_size = (r, r, r)
ldc = create_lid_driven_cavity(domain_size=domain_size, method='srt', relaxation_rate=1.6,
optimization={'openmp': False,
'double_precision': True,
'vectorization': False})
The solution suggested in the previous report by some staff member did not work out of the box. Instead, the attached patches seem to fix the issue by changing variables related to array indexing in indexed CPU kernels from int32 to int64. [I don't have rights to post a merge request, hence patches] There is one patch file for pystencils and another for lbmpy.
The changes don't seem to affect results of any test cases.